Pastoral Messages
Our Moment Has Arrived
Every generation has something that defines them. A moment when we will need to rise to the occasion. I can’t help but feel that moment has arrived. I’m speaking to everyone, all generations – teens, young adults, and those a little older.
In a world that seems to have lost its moral compass in so many ways, the world needs people of faith to step up. To be Christ in the world, no matter the personal consequences. I know, easier said than done. We can feel helpless, anxious, scared. It is in these moments though that God gives us what we most need...courage. Often times that courage comes in the form of our own faith community. The weight of it all is a little lighter when we stand tall together.
St. Rita Parish has always shown the way in this regard. But God’s work is never easy and it is never done. We must not get fatigued in our moment. There are critical needs within our community and many current ministries offer opportunities to live out our faith. If you are not already active in one of our ministries, please consider engaging in one now. If you have questions or are not sure where you are most needed, please feel to contact me and I am sure we can find the perfect fit! Perhaps an easy start is to simply invite someone to come to Church with you.
Lastly, let us pray for hearts courageous enough to face our fears, to extend mercy and compassion to those most in need of God’s unconditional love. And if you need a Bible reference or two to really bring this point home, The Beatitudes and the Good Samaritan provide a great foundation.
Thank for listening!
Much love,
~Deacon Jim
An Introduction to Sunday's Scripture Readings - March 9, 2025
“You Shall Not Put The Lord, Your God, To The Test”
At the beginning of Lent, the Church reminds us of Jesus’ doing spiritual combat with the devil in the wilderness, reminding us that Lent is a time for warfare. Through our Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we do battle with the forces of the devil in our lives, and with God’s grace, defeat him decisively.
In our First Reading (Deuteronomy 25:4-10) Moses spoke to the Israelites at the end of their 40 years of wandering in the desert. He instituted the harvest festival of the first fruits (Sukkot). It was a ritual thanking God for His provision and a retelling of the story of God's delivery from their slavery in Egypt. Once in the promised land, this was to be performed each year as part of the harvest festival. In many ways, we memorialize these same stories in our liturgies today. Our Church wants to make sure that we, as a people of God, never forget God’s mercy and deliverance.
In our Epistle reading (Romans 10:8-13), Saint Paul instructs us that salvation is a two-part process. It is a process of the believing in our heart and of confessing with our mouth. Both are necessary. The confessing is the evidence of the believing. Everyone who calls on the Lord (Jew or Gentile) will be saved.
Our Gospel reading (Luke 4:1-13) is the story of the temptation of Jesus in the desert, just after His baptism and before His public ministry began. After a period of 40 days of prayer and fasting, Jesus was spiritually enriched but physically weak and hungry. And enter then, the devil to tempt Jesus in His time of weakness. Jesus' temptation and struggle were real in His humanity, but His triumph over the evil one was the divine perfection we all strive for and the example we follow.
The three temptations of Jesus in the wilderness represent the same three temptations of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden—Lust of the flesh (good food), Lust of the eyes (desire for possessions) and Pride of life (sinful lust for power and wisdom). We confront this same “Threefold Concupiscence” during our Lenten journey. It is our opportunity, with God’s grace, to banish them and their merchant, Satan, from our lives.
Upcoming Events
- Women Enjoying Rediscovering Our Catholicism - Tuesdays at 9:00 am in Room 1
- Free Community Dinner - Wednesday, March 12 at 5 pm
- Easter Egg-stravaganza - Sunday, March 16 from 9 am - noon in the Parish Center; includes donuts!
- Youth Group - Sunday, March 16 & 30 at 4 pm
- Practice of the Presence of God - Monday, March 10 from 5:30-6:30 pm in church
- Topics with Fr. Tim - Mondays at 9:30 am or 6:30 pm; March 10 - April 7
- Friday Fish Dinners - 5-6:30 pm; March 7 - April 11
- Guided Stations of the Cross - Fridays from March 7 - April 11 at 5 pm in church
- Game Nights - Fridays, March 7 - April 11 from 5-8 pm in Room 1
Latest News
- Join the Events team - we need your help!
- Introducing OCIA - Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
- St. Rita Business Directory - add your business today!
- Liturgical Ministers - schedules and info here
- Beware of Scam Requests - if you recently received a text or email from Fr. Tim asking for gift cards or a favor, please be aware that this did not come from Fr. Tim
- Planning our 75th Anniversary Celebrations - join us on Sunday, March 16 at noon to discuss!
What's Happening This Week
Faith at Home
- 3 Minute Retreat - from Loyola Press; take a short prayer break right at your computer by spending some quiet time reflecting on a Scripture passage
- The Family Zone - a weekly Family Zone Newsletter, provided by the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis of the Diocese of Rochester
- How Can We Help You? - let us know!
- Helping Those in Need - "Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters..."